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Introducing Rack Cosmo company

Manufacturer of warehouse shelves
Leading in Vietnam

VIETNAM SPACE JOINT STOCK COMPANY was established on September 18, 2012, is an enterprise specializing in providing technical and commercial services and manufacturing mechanical, electrical, electronic products, and technical solutions. Supportive automation technology for industrial production of electronic components, circuit boards, mobile phones… Besides, we also provide high-tech technical solutions, products and services on request. private.

With modern equipment, professional production management, and a skilled technical team, our company provides high quality products and services, guaranteed delivery schedules, and good prices. to meet the various requirements and needs of customers.

The strengths that make up the company’s brand are: Specialization in each department, high responsibility and technical supervisors who work seriously and carefully to create products that are perfect in every detail. smallest.

Invest in COSMO
is to invest in high durability!

Customer recognition and acceptance of our company’s value proposition helps us continue to expand our product range and reach.

__ Some typical customers of COSMO Rack Company __